Tips for Succeeding as an Online Learner

Get Organized

Download the syllabus early: The course syllabus is posted one week before classes begin. The best way to organize an e-term study schedule is to mark all due dates on your calendar so you can plan your work around them. 

Find a quiet space to work: Set up a quiet, comfortable workspace to minimize distractions and provide the continuity and structure you need to concentrate. 

Stay Active and Engaged

Communicate with your instructor: Online students thrive on regular communications with their instructors who can “see” they are moving along with the course content. If you need help with the material, be sure to reach out to your instructor. 

Build a peer support group: The more engaged you are with your class, the more likely you are to succeed. Connect with your classmates to share experiences and exchange ideas about the course content. Your fellow students may become long-term friends or perhaps colleagues in the future. 

Time Management

Create a weekly schedule: Successful online learners know that good organization is critical to their success, especially if they are registered in more than one class. To understand the course expectations and productively organize your time, review the due dates of all exams, assignments, and other materials at the beginning of each e-term. 

Take time to self-reflect: Review your progress at regular intervals to reflect on changes to keep you on a successful path. While good study habits are important, good mental health means makes you more productive. If the work becomes overwhelming, take some time to rest and recharge. 

Utilize Available Resources

UNH Online Writing Lab (OWL): Graduate programs expect professional-level writing. Before submitting your paper, consider using The Online Writing Lab experts to help you with organization, clarity, and language. 

UNH Library: UNH Libraries offer multiple digital resources to online students, and the library staff is always willing to demonstrate how to navigate the system. 

Student Success Coach Team: Student Success Coaches are a tremendous resource for answers to your questions so do not hesitate to make full use of their expertise and guidance. 

Faculty Advisor: Our faculty is vested in your success. Every student is assigned a Faculty Advisor to provide support and answer questions about your plan of study or curriculum content. 

Personal Support Group: A good personal support system is key to your educational success. We recommend asking family and/or friends to review your papers or help manage your study schedule. Spending time with loved ones can be just as important as hitting the books.

Online Graduate Student